To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Vincent Smith, Community Development Director
Prepared By: Carlyce Banayat, Imaging Clerk
Embassy Suites Addition
Approve the second reading and final passage, and adopt an ordinance approving a Planned Development Overlay district (PD-38) establishing the development standards for the Embassy Suites Addition located at 1075 California Boulevard and 2420 First Street and determining that the actions authorized by this ordinance are exempt from the requirements of CEQA (APN: 002-200-001 & 002-141-002).
This is the Second Reading and Final Adoption of an ordinance approving a Planned Development Overlay district (PD-38) establishing the development standards for the Embassy Suites Addition located at 1075 California Boulevard and 2420 First Street and determining that the actions authorized by this ordinance are exempt from the requirements of CEQA (APN: 002-200-001 & 002-141-002). The introduction and First Reading was held at the Regular City Council meeting on April 21, 2020. If approved the Ordinance will become effective thirty days following adoption.
If the project is approved and constructed, Staff anticipates that it could bring in additional General Fund Transient Occupancy Tax revenue for the City of approximately $0.35 million dollars annually.
At their regular meeting on April 21, 2020, City Council determined that the potential environmental effects of the Recommended Action are exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in accordance with Section 15332 (Categorical Exemptions: Class 32) of the CEQA Guidelines, which exempts in-fill development projects that are consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance; that occur within City limits and are on sites no more than 5 acres in size; that are on sites with no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species; that would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and that can be adequately served by existing utilities, and that the exceptions to categorical exemptions identified in Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines are inapplicable because the land is in an urbanized area with no environmentally sensitive habitats or species of concern on the property, there has been no successive effort to intensify land uses in the area, and no unusual circumstances exist that would pose a reasonable possibility of having a significant effect on the environment. Based on this analysis, no significant environmental effects would result from this project and the exemption is appropriate.
ATCH 1 - Ordinance approving a Planned Development Overlay with EXS A & B
EX A - Embassy Suites Hotel Addition Planned Development District (PD-38) April 21, 2020
EX B - Embassy Suites Planned Development Overlay (PD-38)
Notice of the scheduled public hearing was provided on April 10, 2020 by US Postal Service to all property owners within a 500-foot radius of the subject property. Notice of the public hearing was also published in the Napa Valley Register on April 10, 2020 and provided to people previously requesting notice on the matter at the same time notice was provided to the newspaper for publication. The Applicant was also provided a copy of this report and the associated attachments in advance of the public hearing on the project.