To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Jacques R. LaRochelle, Public Works Director
Prepared By: Rosa Corona, Assistant Engineer
Main Street Exchange - Pedestrian Bridge Replacement
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Public Works Director to award and execute a construction contract with Valentine Corporation for the Main Street Exchange - Pedestrian Bridge Replacement in the bid amount of $287,369, authorizing the Public Works Director to approve contract amendments and charges for project services up to a total amount not to exceed $351,000, authorizing a budget appropriation in the amount of $42,000, and determining that the actions authorized by this resolution are exempt from CEQA.
As part of the Urban Redevelopment for the Parkway Plaza Redevelopment Project, the former Napa Community Redevelopment Agency (“NCRA”) issued the 2003 Parkway Plaza Tax Allocation Bonds, Series A (“Bonds”) for capital improvement projects in the Parkway Plaza Redevelopment Project Area. The bonds were issued to fund four main categories of projects: 1) infrastructure upgrades; 2) mixed-use and residential infill development; 3) parking management; and 4) projects identified in the Napa River Downtown Reach Urban Design Plan. The Main Street Exchange Pedestrian Bridge Replacement Project (“Project”) was identified as a category 4 priority capital improvement project with an approved budget of $225,000.
The existing pedestrian bridge was constructed in 1981 after NCRA and Main Street Investors (“MSI”) entered an agreement giving MSI permission to construct a pedestrian bridge across Napa Creek. The existing 81 ft. long and 7 ft. wide bridge connects an existing parking lot with the Main Street Exchange Building, and now Opera House Plaza Park. The existing bridge is a glued laminated timber structure with concrete decking, with a combination of metal and timber railings and three ornamental lights that provide illumination.
The existing bridge has reached the end of its service life. Over its lifetime a noticeable subsidence began to occur at the northerly approach to the bridge. The approach was temporarily repaired several times, however, by late 2013 it was evident that permanent repairs would be needed as the approach began to further subside. When the South Napa Earthquake occurred in August 2014, the bridge approach experienced significant subsidence and the bridge was closed to pedestrians while a more permanent solution was sought.
In October 2014, the City requested proposals for design-build services to design and construct a bridge replacement project, including geotechnical and structural studies to determine the suitability of using the existing bridge foundations and abutments. Of the four design-build teams invited, only one qualifying design-build team submitted a technical proposal. The price for their services far exceeded the approved budget of $225,000. Subsequently, the City decided not to pursue a design-build approach for the replacement project and made semi-impermanent repairs to the approach then re-opened the bridge to pedestrians. Public Works staff then began the traditional design-bid-build procurement method to deliver the bridge replacement project.
In January 2015, the City authorized Geocon Consultants, Inc. to perform a geotechnical investigation and determine subsurface conditions at the bridge site, including the existing bridge foundations and abutments. With the results of the geotechnical investigation, the City authorized ZFA Structural Engineers to perform a feasibility review of the existing conditions to determine if any of the bridge foundations were suitable for re-use. The results of the feasibility study indicated the existing foundations and abutments could be re-used. The City authorized bridge designer Dokken Engineering to prepare plans and specifications necessary to acquire a contractor to remove the existing bridge and replace it with a pre-manufactured bridge to be placed on the existing foundations and abutments. Anticipating the need of additional funds to support this process, Staff requested $200,000 in the FY17 Mid Cycle Adjustment from the General Fund increasing the project budget to $425,000. A total of $116,000 was used to cover geotechnical investigation, structural analysis, environmental permit fees, bridge replacement structural design, and Staff time.
Staff publicly bid the Project during the month of April 2018. On May 3, 2018 three (3) formal bids for construction were received. The bids were as follows:
$287,369 Valentine Corporation*
$351,318 Hess Construction
$381,420 Gordon N. Ball
*Apparent lowest and best bid
The Napa Municipal Code local businesses preference of a three percent (3%) bid reduction factor did not alter the bid results. The construction budget is proposed as follows:
Lowest and Best Bid Amount - $287,369
Contingency for unforeseen conditions (10% of bid) - $28,737
Construction Management, Inspection and Testing - $34,894
Total - $ 351,000
The existing Project budget is insufficient to cover the Project costs; therefore, an additional budget appropriation is requested.
An additional $42,000 in appropriations is needed to completely fund the Project with funds to come from the Coombs Street One Way (ST17PW03SA). The Coombs Street One Way project was also listed as a recommended capital improvement project funded by the same Bond as the Project. The construction of the Coombs Street One Way Project is completed and a +/- $136,000 balance remains.
$ 309,000 Main Street Exchange Pedestrian Bridge Replacement (JL BR13RA01)
(Existing Appropriations)
$ 42,000 Coombs Street One Way (JL ST17PW03SA)
(Additional Appropriation)
$ 351,000 TOTAL
$ 287,369 Main Street Exchange Pedestrian Bridge Replacement -
Construction Contract (JL BR13RA01-54501)
$ 28,737 Main Street Exchange Pedestrian Bridge Replacement -
10% Contingency (JL BR13RA01-54501)
$ 34,894 Main Street Exchange Pedestrian Bridge Replacement -
Construction Management, Inspection and Testing (JL BR13RA01-57601)
$ 351,000 TOTAL
City staff recommends that the City Council determine that the Recommended Action is exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15302(b) (exempts the replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where new structure will be located on the same site as the structure to be replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced).
ATCH 1 - Resolution
Mailing by USPS on Monday, May 14, 2018 to property, business owners, merchants and tenants of upcoming project.