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File #: 2000-2019    Version: 1
Type: Consent Calendar Status: Passed
File created: 8/5/2019 In control: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NAPA
On agenda: 9/17/2019 Final action: 9/17/2019
Title: Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program for Six City Bridges
Attachments: 1. ATCH 1 - Resolution, 2. EX A - Bridge Preventive Maintenance Plan

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council


From:                     Julie Lucido, Public Works Director


Prepared By:                     Rosa Corona, Assistant Engineer




Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program for Six City Bridges





Adopt a resolution authorizing the Public Works Director to award and execute a construction contract to American Civil Constructors West Coast LLC for the Bridge Preventive Maintenance for Six Bridges (BR12PW02) in the bid amount of $419,319; authorizing the Public Works Director to approve contract amendments and charges for project services up to a total amount not to exceed $510,222; and determining that the actions authorized by this resolution are exempt from CEQA.




In 2006, the Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Division of Local Assistance notified the City of the new Local Assistance Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program (Program). The Program was created to help local agencies extend the life of their bridges by performing certain maintenance activities that have been pre-approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).


Staff developed a Bridge Preventive Maintenance Plan (Plan) following the Local Assistance Bridge Preventive Maintenance Program Guidelines.  Staff evaluated the condition of the 23 bridges under the City’s jurisdiction based on field reviews and work recommendations in the Caltrans Bridge Inspection Reports (Reports). Out of the 23 bridges, seven were identified as being good candidates for the Program: Third Street, Soscol Avenue, Lincoln Avenue and Trancas Street, which are over the Napa River, and Main Street, California Boulevard, and Jefferson Street, which are over the Napa Creek. All of these bridges have similar and eligible work for reimbursement under the Program. The maintenance work needed includes methacrylate deck treatment, joint seal replacement, and concrete spall repairs. The detailed Plan is included as Exhibit A to the attached Resolution.


In July 2016, the City’s request for Preliminary Engineering funds for the Bridge Preventive Maintenance for Seven Bridges Project (Project) was approved in the sum of $54,044. Because the Plan went through several alterations as bridges or work was added or removed, in 2018 the Preliminary Engineering funds were reduced to $40,785. Final Project Plans, Specifications and Estimates were completed early this year and were sent to Caltrans for approval along with a request for authorization to proceed with project advertisement and construction. The City’s request for construction funds was approved in July in the sum of $510,222 by Caltrans. The breakdown of the sum approved consists of a ten (10) percent contingency ($40,785) and a fifteen (15) percent construction management ($61,588) based on the engineer’s estimate of $407,849. The total project cost (preliminary engineering and construction) is $551,007 of which $487,443 is eligible for federal reimbursement.


The Project advertisement period began on July 25, 2019 and ended August 15, 2019. During the advertisement period, the work for the California Boulevard bridge was removed because of the proximity to the roundabout project on First Street and California Boulevard. The work proposed for this bridge is only the methacrylate surface treatment which may be deferred to the next maintenance cycle. The City will be applying to the Program for another cycle, in which this bridge would be added along with other eligible bridges not included in this first cycle. As a result, the Project was renamed “Bridge Preventive Maintenance for Six Bridges.”


Three (3) bids for construction were received and opened at 3:00 P.M. on August 15, 2019. The engineer’s estimate for project construction as advertised was $410,000 (this estimate includes the California Boulevard bridge work).


The bids received were as follows:



TPA Construction, Inc., Rocklin, CA*


American Civil Constructors West Coast LLC, Benicia, CA


Myers & Sons Construction, LLC, Sacramento, CA


*Apparent Lowest and Best Bid. 


In reviewing the apparent low monetary bid documentation, staff found the bid to be non-responsive due to the following:


1.                     The contractor failed to provide the information under “Work to Be Performed,” and “Percent of Total Contract & Amount of Work (in dollars)” in the List of Subcontractors form per Section 2-1.03 “Required Listing of Proposed Subcontractors” of the Special Provisions and per Public Contract Code Section 4104(b).

2.                     The contractor failed to submit Part 1 of the “Exhibit 12-B: Bidder’s List of Subcontractors (DBE Part 1 and Non-DBE Part 2)” form per Section 2-1.07 “Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)” and Section 2-1.08 “Bid Document Submittal” of the Special Provisions. 


For these reasons, staff recommends rejecting the lowest monetary bid based on non-responsiveness and awarding the construction contract to the next lowest bidder, American Civil Constructors West Coast LLC. 


The construction budget is proposed as follows:


American Civil Constructors West Coast LLC Bid Amount - $419,319

Contingency for unforeseen conditions (7% of bid) - $29,315

Construction Management, Material Testing and Inspection - $61,588


Total - $510,222


The contingency, contract administration, construction management, material testing, and inspection costs are estimates. The funds can be used interchangeably between the items listed above.



Funds were budgeted through the CIP budget, and this action utilizes already appropriated funds.  There is no financial impact.



City staff recommends that the City Council determine that the Recommended Action is exempt form CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, which exempts the repair, maintenance or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the agency’s determination.



ATCH 1 - Resolution

EX A - Bridge Preventive Maintenance Plan


