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File #: 2010-2019    Version: 1
Type: Consent Calendar Status: Passed
File created: 8/12/2019 In control: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NAPA
On agenda: 9/17/2019 Final action: 9/17/2019
Title: Classification and Budget Staffing Plan for the Police Records Division of the Police Department
Attachments: 1. ATCH 1 - Resolution, 2. EX A - Proposed Class Spec Revision for Police Records Specialist I/II, 3. EX B - Police Records Assistant I/II Salary Analysis, 4. EX C - Proposed Class Spec Revision Senior Police Records Specialist, 5. EX D - Senior Police Records Assistant Salary Analysis, 6. EX E - Abolish Classification Spec for Police Records Assistant I/II, 7. EX F - Abolish Class Specification for Senior Police Records Assistant

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council


From:                     Jennifer Brizel, Human Resources Director


Prepared By:                     Jennifer Brizel, Human Resources Director




Classification and Budget Staffing Plan for the Police Records Division of the Police Department





Adopt a resolution amending the City Classification Plan by adopting the classification and salary ranges for Police Records Specialist I/II and Senior Police Records Specialist, and abolishing the classifications of Police Records Assistant I/II and Senior Police Records Assistant; and updating the FY 19/20 Budget Staffing Plan.




The Police Department requested Human Resources conduct a study to review the classifications of Police Records Assistant I/II and Senior Police Records Assistant within the Records Bureau to research the scope and salary as related to the classification specification and existing salary range. The Human Resources Department and Police Department assessed the role of the Police Records Assistant I/II and Senior Police Records Assistant as compared to the scope defined within the current class descriptions and determined it was necessary to reestablish the classification specifications based on the current needs within the Police Department.


The Human Resources Department requested that the Police Department provide Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ) to determine a recommendation that would align with the Department’s needs. The incumbents completed the PDQ which indicated that the position of Police Records Assistant I/II performs a variety of confidential, technical, collaborative administrative duties such as maintaining documents and correspondence of a sensitive nature, coordinating with other Police Department staff to ensure the accuracy of written reports and documentation, and supporting Police Officers in correspondence with the public. Additionally, all Police Records Staff are required to obtain a P.O.S.T Basic Records Certificate and pass a background investigation which include polygraph and psychological exams. City staff reviewed the PDQ and recommends that the classification specification be modified in order to reflect the requirements and duties of the Police Records Assistant I/II and Senior Police Records Assistant.


The current salary levels for the positions are as follows:



Salary Range

Police Records Assistant I

$44,790 - $54,096

Police Records Assistant II

$49,316 - $59,575

Senior Police Records Assistant

$59,859 - $72,294


Internally, the City compares the Police Records Assistant I/II to Office Assistant I/II. In reviewing the external market comparisons for the Police Records Assistant I/II, it was found that the City of Napa is within 5% of the external market. However, the study determined a need to separate the salary alignment between the classifications to allow for internal value of the variance in scope of the Police Records roles. In order to ensure internal equity and external competitiveness for this technical role it is recommended to change the title from Police Records Assistant I/II to Police Records Specialist I/II and provide a 2.5% annual salary differential between the Office Assistant I/II classifications to further distinguish the roles and add value to the technical aspects of the Police Records role while remaining within 5% of the market rate.


The proposed Salary Range for Police Records Specialist I is 4037, $55,448 annually; and Police Records Specialist II to proposed Salary Range 4067, $61,064 annually.


The external market comparisons for the Senior Police Records Assistant found that the salary differential for this role is over 15% above the market rate. It is recommended to maintain the range at Range 4180, $72,294 annually as the current rate is above market while adjusting the position title to Senior Police Records Specialist to align with the series and adopt the recommended classification edits to align with the current scope of the role.


The recommended salary levels and titles for the positions are as follows:



Salary Range

Police Records Specialist I

$45,896 - $55,448

Police Records Specialist II

$50,544 - $61,064

Senior Police Records Specialist

$59,859 - $72,294


The recommended adjustments align with the external market as well as internal equity and accurately describe the work conducted by staff.


The bargaining group was provided an opportunity to meet and confer on this item and the changes were recommended by the Civil Service Commission at their August 19, 2019 meeting.



No additional funding is required beyond that already allocated and approved in the City budget.



The Human Resources Director has determined that the Recommended Action described in this Agenda Report is not subject to CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c).



ATCH 1 - Resolution 1

EX A: Proposed Classification Specification Revision for Police Records Specialist I/II

EX B: Police Records Assistant I/II Salary Analysis

EX C: Proposed Classification Specification Revision for Senior Police Records Specialist

EX D: Senior Police Records Assistant Salary Analysis

EX E: Abolish Classification Specification for Police Records Assistant I/II

EX F: Abolish Classification Specification for Senior Police Records Assistant



Department Managers and Bargaining Group