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File #: 1968-2019    Version: 1
Type: Consent Calendar Status: Passed
File created: 7/10/2019 In control: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NAPA
On agenda: 9/17/2019 Final action: 9/17/2019
Title: Public Safety Dispatching Services provided to the County of Napa
Attachments: 1. ATCH 1 - Resolution, 2. ATCH 2 - Amendment 5 to Agreement No. C2013 363, 3. ATCH 3 - Agreement C2013 363 with Amendments 1-4

To:                     Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council


From:                     Robert Plummer, Police Chief


Prepared By:                     Susana Aguilera, Management Analyst




Public Safety Dispatching Services provided to the County of Napa





Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a one-year contract amendment for Public Safety Dispatching Services between the City of Napa and the County of Napa.




The Napa City Police Department Communications Center is the primary answering point for all 911 emergency calls for the City of Napa, City of American Canyon, Town of Yountville and all unincorporated areas of Napa County.


The County of Napa currently contracts for Public Safety Dispatching Services with the City of Napa under City Agreement No. C2013 363 (Napa County Agreement No. 1707998) effective August 6, 2013.  The County of Napa originally contracted with the City of Napa for Dispatch Services in July 1986.  The recommended action is to approve a one-year contract amendment, for a continuation of services through June 30, 2020.


The proposed amendment identifies the compensation paid by the County to the City as a fixed three percent increase.  Utilizing the actual costs from FY2017-18, the cost allocation plan will be updated to capture the total cost of the Communications Center and the percentage breakdown of the calls for service to determine the cost to the County and other contract agencies.  The updated cost allocation plan will be utilized for future contract negotiations with the County of Napa.



The proposed one-year amendment increases the cost to the County of Napa for this service from $1,977,165 to $2,036,480 or an increase of $59,315 for FY2019-20.



The Chief of Police has determined that the Recommended Action described in this Agenda Report is not subject to CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c).



ATCH 1 - Resolution

ATCH 2 - Amendment No. 5 to Agreement No. C2013 363

ATCH 3 - Agreement No. C2013 363 with Amendment Nos. 1-4


