To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Tiffany Carranza, City Clerk
Prepared By: Samantha Pascoe, Deputy City Clerk
2025 City Council Appointments to Local, Regional, and State Boards, Councils, Committees, and Commissions
Adopt a resolution appointing members of City Council to local, regional, and state boards, councils, commissions, and committees for the year 2025.
Each year, the City Council reviews the appointment of its members to various local, regional, and state boards, councils, committees, and commissions on which members of the City Council serve (see Attachment 2). A description for each of the various local, regional, and state boards, councils, committees, and commissions has been provided for reference (see Attachment 3).
As noted in Attachment 2, most appointments are made for the Councilmembers to serve through the end of their term, unless subsequently modified by the City Council. The City Council has previously articulated a goal for its members maintaining sufficient longevity on each board to establish continuity and consistency. That notwithstanding, appointments are annually reviewed, discussed, and occasionally changed, depending on the Councilmember’s level of comfort, schedule constraints, and interests.
Appointed alternate members will represent the City during meetings only when one of the Council’s regular appointees is absent. Consistent with the requirements of State law (the Brown Act) any three members of the City Council will avoid discussing any matter within the City Council’s subject matter jurisdiction unless it is during a noticed public meeting.
For the 2025 appointments, note the following:
With the resignation of former Councilmember Liz Alessio, there are ten vacancies to be filled for this round of appointments.
The City of Napa Nomination committee requires a new appointee to finish Alessio’s two-year term through 2025 and join Vice Mayor Luros who is currently serving on the committee through 2025.
Most appointments are unpaid; some provide stipends. In the event of a compensated position, and in accordance with the FPPC provisions, a Councilmember may vote (for him/herself) to hold another position even if he or she will receive additional income as long as the public is informed prior to the vote or consent item. FPPC Regulation 18702.5 provides for the filing of Form 806 under these circumstances, and each year the City Clerk posts that information to the City’s website which lists all the paid appointed positions. When there is a change in compensation or a new appointment, FPPC Form 806 is updated to reflect the change.
It should be noted that the following boards provide a stipend: Napa Sanitation District Board, Napa Vallejo Waste Management Authority, Napa County Local Agency Formation Commission, Association of Bay Area Governments General Assembly and Regional Planning Committee.
The City Clerk as determined that the recommended action described in this agenda report is not subject to CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c).
ATCH 1 - Resolution
EX A - 2025 City Council Appointments (to be confirmed during the meeting)
ATCH 2 - List of Current 2024 City Council Appointments and Vacancies
ATCH 3 - City Council Board, Council, Committee, and Commission Descriptions