To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Vin Smith, Community Development Director
Prepared By: Brendan Hurley, Economic Development Program Coordinator
The Oxbow Gateway Sign
Adopt a resolution approving the Oxbow Gateway Signage to generally be located in the public right-of-way along First Street between Soscol Avenue and McKinstry Street; approving and authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute on behalf of the City a license agreement with the Napa Downtown Merchants and Professional Association (“DNA”) for the installation and maintenance of the Oxbow Gateway Sign; and determining that the actions authorized by this resolution are exempt from CEQA.
The Community Development Department’s Economic Development staff convened The Oxbow Task Force working group in 2022. Consisting of property owners and business representatives, the Task Force’s goal is to tackle key issues and initiatives in the Oxbow with support from staff. The Task Force established four working groups: Gateway Signage, Programming, River Trail (now, Napa RiverLine), and Parking.
The Gateway Signage working group developed key ideas for the Oxbow Gateway, with a desire for a gateway that reflected the artistic and “edgy” character of the Oxbow, similar to the floating letter signs in The Barlow in Sebastopol and Hillcrest, San Diego.
Next, staff contacted multiple vendors to get a preliminary design and cost estimates to determine the feasibility of the project, with Arrow Sign Company being the most responsive and capable of design and building it. In October 2022, Arrow developed conceptual design specs and provided a high-level survey along First Street.
After the initial design was completed, the project was put on hold as funding options for the sign were being explored.
On August 15, 2024, the Downtown Property and Business Improvement District (PBID) board approved funding for the sign to move forward. The initial proposed design of the Oxbow Gateway Sign by Arrow is well received and was approved via vote by the Task Force to move forward with the project.
Now that funding has been secured, staff is requesting Council to (1) Approve the preliminary design of the gateway concept to generally be located in the public right-of-way along First Street between Soscol Avenue and McKinstry Street. This stretch of First Street has been identified as the primary gateway into The Oxbow, drawing people in from Downtown and increased visibility to the area from Soscol.
The City will enter into an agreement with the Napa Downtown Merchants and Professional Association (“DNA”), which manages the PBID funds, for the fabrication, installation and ongoing maintenance and management of the Oxbow Gateway sign. The DNA will be responsible for contracting with the vendor, Arrow Sign Company, for the installation of the sign with the City having final determination of the sign placement, and for ongoing maintenance of the sign, including cleaning, replacement of parts, and repairs as needed. Therefore, staff is requesting Council to (2) Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute on behalf of the City a license agreement with the Napa Downtown Merchants and Professional Association (“DNA”) for the installation and maintenance of the gateway.
Staff supports The Oxbow Gateway as it brings increased awareness and feeling of arrival to The Oxbow, thus improving the wayfinding and pedestrian movement. The sign concept further defines the character of The Oxbow as a unique destination with the City of Napa.
The Downtown Napa Association will manage the project, contract with the vendor, and manage the financial obligations through PBID. Due to the public improvement nature of the project, staff recommends waiving City fees as part of the project.
City staff recommends that the City Council determine that the Recommended Actions described in this Staff Report are exempt from CEQA, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 (existing facilities) and 15303 (new construction of small structures) both on a separate and independent basis. This is because the installation of the sign will occur in an existing street with negligible or no expansion of use consistent with CEQA Guideline 15301. Further, installation of the sign will involve the installation of small facilities such as poles, electrical wiring and the sign itself consistent with CEQA Guideline 15303.
ATCH 1 - Resolution
Ex A - Oxbow Gateway Preliminary Signage Design