To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Joy Eldredge, Utilities Director
Prepared By: Chris Jones, Senior Civil Engineer
Emergency Declaration for 36-inch Asbestos Cement Transmission Main Replacement
Determine there is a need to continue the emergency action to execute and implement contracts for the construction to replace up to 11,000 linear feet of 36-inch asbestos cement transmission main.
Pursuant to City of Napa Municipal Code 2.91.040, City staff shall continue to make reports to City Council at each regularly scheduled City Council meeting until the emergency action is terminated by City Council. At the January 21, 2025, Council meeting, City Council determined the need to continue the emergency.
The 36-inch asbestos cement (AC) main is critical to the City’s ability to convey water from the Barwick Jamieson Treatment to the City of Napa service area. Over the last six months the frequency, type, location, and associated damage due to failures on this pipe have changed. City Staff have determined that to prevent further damage and extended interruption of water service, immediate action to replace the 36-inch AC transmission main and implement distribution system improvements is necessary.
On January 16, 2025, the City Manager declared an emergency and authorized the Utilities Director to execute emergency contracts.
The City Posted the Request for Proposals on a Design Build contract on Friday, January 17, 2025 and held the pre-bid job walk on Thursday, January 23. Proposals are scheduled for submission no later than February 7, 2025.
A water fund CIP budget account 53160139-63WT25UTER has $11,000,000 available for this project.
City staff recommends that the City Council determine that the Recommended Action is exempt from CEQA pursuant to: CEQA Guidelines Section 15269 (Statutory exemption for emergency repairs, in accordance with California Public Resources Code Section 21080(b)(2)); CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Categorical exemption Class 1 Existing Facilities), which exempts repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing facilities involving negligible or no expansion of use; and CEQA Guidelines Section 15302 (Categorical Exemption Class 2 Replacement or Reconstruction), which exempts replacement or reconstruction of existing facilities on the same site and with the same purpose.