To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Phil Brun, Utilities Director
Prepared By: Joy Eldredge, Deputy Utilities Director
Outside Water Service to 7855 St Helena Highway
Adopt a resolution: 1) authorizing the Utilities Director to execute a Declaration of Covenants and Agreement Regarding Water Service to 7855 St Helena Highway in Oakville (APN 027-280-077-000); 2) authorizing the Utilities Director to submit an application to the Local Agency Formation Commission of Napa County for an outside service agreement; and 3) determining that the actions authorized by this resolution are exempt from CEQA.
The City received an Outside Water Service Application (see Attachment 2) for fire service at 7855 St Helena Highway in Oakville (APN 027-280-077-000)) (see Attachment 3). Since the property is outside the City limits and outside the City Rural Urban Limit Line ("RUL"), City Charter Section 180 (see Attachment 4) limits extension of water service except under specified situations, which do not apply to this request, or by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the City Council.
Under State LAFCO law (the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act), particularly California Government Code Section 56133 (see Attachment 5), the Local Agency Formation Commission of Napa County ("LAFCO") is required to review and approve any proposed new or extended water service outside the City limits. The property is outside the City's Sphere of Influence; therefore, LAFCO may only authorize a new water service to respond to an existing or impending threat to the public health or safety of the residents of the affected territory.
The application for the City water service at 7855 St Helena Highway indicates that the service line would be used for a dedicated fire service to a commercial building on the property to be used for office and meeting space, and equipment storage. Per t...
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