To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Julie Lucido, Public Works Director
Prepared By: Julie Lucido, Public Works Director
Napa River Dredging Federal Project
Receive report on Napa River Dredging Federal Project and proposed use of City's South Jefferson Street property for material disposition that is consistent with the future development as a City park; and provide direction to staff.
The Napa River is designated as a federal navigation channel from San Pablo Bay to the Third Street Bridge. The US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has the responsibility for the dredging of the federal channel with the Napa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Flood District) acting as the local sponsor to coordinate the work and provide a location for the dredge material. The dredging work is dependent on the federal budgeting process, and federal funding in the amount of 4.75M has been authorized for the Napa River as part of the current budget for work to begin this August.
The operations and maintenance schedule provides for a six-year cycle of maintenance dredging for the channel to a depth of 15 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) from the Mare Island Strait Causeway to Asylum Slough and 10 feet MLLW to the head of navigation at the Third Street Bridge in the City of Napa. The channel was last dredged in 2016 when approximately 70,000 cubic yards of material was removed during the operation. During the first winter after the dredging, severe rainstorms resulted in large accumulations of sediment within the channel, particularly in the areas near the upper end of the reach within the city limits.
A healthy and active river has been a high priority for our community for more than 20 years. Major investments have been made along the Napa River for the Flood Control Project, biking and pedestrian trails, habitat restoration, new brid...
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