To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Julie Lucido, Public Works Director
Prepared By: Matthew Price, Maintenance Superintendent
Fleet Replacement Schedule
Adopt a resolution, (1) Approving Amendment No. 1 to Appendix E from Mid Cycle Budget Fiscal Year 2024/25, Fleet Replacement Schedule, and (2) authorizing the City Manager or Public Works Director to execute contracts and agreements on behalf of the City for the purchase of replacement vehicles and equipment based on the descriptions and dollar amounts identified on the Amendment No. 1 to Appendix E in the total amount of $6,097,000 in Fiscal Year 2024/25, and (3) adjusting the current expenditures budget of the Fleet Replacement Fund by $125,000 for a total Fiscal Year 2024/25 amount of $6,097,000 as documented by Budget Adjustment No. 60P5.
On June 20, 2023 the City Council approved the Fiscal Years 2023/24 & 2024/25 Operating & Capital Budget, including the Fleet Replacements Schedule (Appendix H in the two-year budget document). The Fiscal Year 2024/25 Fleet Replacement Schedule was revised as part of the City of Napa Mid Cycle Budget Fiscal Year 2024/25, adopted by City Council via Resolution No. 2024-061 on June 4, 2024. The revisions were included as Appendix E in the Mid Cycle Budget.
The proposed action will amend the Mid Cycle Budget Fiscal Year 2024/25's Appendix E: Fleet Replacement Schedule. The recommended revisions are incorporated in Exhibit A to the resolution attached to this report and summarized below:
Fleet Replacement General Fund - Increase by $30,000
- Three radar speed feedback trailers for the Police Department required replacement. Only two were included as part of the previous replacement schedule. This addition will cover the third necessary replacement. These trailers, which display the speed of oncoming vehicles in real time, are strategically placed in areas where speeding i...
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