To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Heather Ruiz, Human Resources Director
Prepared By: Gabrielle Swanson, Management Analyst II
Public Works Department Classification Specifications - Electrician I and Electrician II
Adopt a resolution amending the City Classification Plan by Adopting Classification Specification Revisions for Electrician I and Electrician II.
The Public Works Department ("Department") requested that Human Resources conduct a study to review the classifications of Electrician I and Electrician II within the General Services Division to research the certifications and licensures required for the position. The Human Resources Department assessed the roles and licensures based on the needs of the Division and determined it was necessary to revise the classifications to align with operational needs.
Prior to bringing these classification recommendations forward to the Civil Service Commission, additional research was needed to ensure that the salary aligned with the external market. The City of Napa completed a comprehensive compensation study in 2021 for classifications represented by Napa City Employees' Association (NCEA), with the support of Bryce Consulting. Salary adjustments based on that compensation study were made effective September 18, 2021. The City and NCEA agreed to the salary recommendations based on market data, which resulted in one-time salary adjustments for various classifications. The Electrician series was included in the one-time salary adjustments and received salary increases of varying percentages: Electrician III received 10.06%, Electrician II received 4.54%, and Electrician I received 2.84%. Based on these recent equity adjustments that were made, there is no additional salary adjustment recommended at this time.
The Human Resources Department interviewed management in the General Services Division to determine a r...
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