To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: ?Steve Potter, City Manager?
Prepared By: Liz Habkirk, Assistant City Manager and Julie Lucido, Public Works Director?
Measure G Citizen Oversight Committee
Receive a report on the proposed Measure G Citizen Oversight Committee and provide direction to staff to develop an Ordinance for the Establishment of the Citizen Oversight Committee.
??On November 5, 2024, the electorate of the City of Napa passed Measure G approving a new one cent (1 cent) local transactions and use tax (TUT) until such time as it is ended by voters. The approval of Measure G increases the total of the state and local sales tax on purchases in the City from 7.75% to 8.75%. Measure G is anticipated to generate approximately $22 million annually.
?On December 10, 2024, City Council approved a resolution declaring the election results and enacting Ordinance O2024-003 to be codified as Napa Municipal Code Chapter 3.14 entitled "Transaction and Use Tax" (identified on the ballot as Measure G). This Ordinance requires a Citizen Oversight Committee to be established to ensure transparency and accountability for the use of the new local sales tax revenue. Section 3.14.150 of the Ordinance is titled Citizen Oversight and states:
?"The City Council shall establish a Citizens Oversight Committee (COC) to review and report annually on the receipt and expenditure of revenue from the tax authorized by this chapter. The COC's report shall confirm that the expenditures are consistent with the priorities approved by the City Council and that no revenues have been siphoned off by the State or other entity or used for the benefit of other than the Napa community. The City Council shall adopt a resolution establishing the terms, composition, and duties of the COC prior to the operative date."
?General considerations for the creation of the new commit...
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