To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Rick Tooker, Community Development Director
Prepared By: Michael Walker, Senior Planner
Calistoga Avenue Historic District Identification Signage Program
Adopt a resolution directing the installation of Historic District signs within the Calistoga Avenue Historic District, and determining that the actions authorized by this Resolution are exempt from CEQA.
Based on a recommendation from the Cultural Heritage Commission, Staff contracted with a design consultant, Amy Linn of Linn Design Studio, to prepare proposed designs for a Historic District Sign Program to identify and promote the City's historic districts. The City Council reviewed the proposed designs of the historic signs at the April 18, 2017 meeting, and Council directed staff to prepare a cost analysis and implementation strategy for the installation of historic signs within the Calistoga Avenue Historic District, to serve as a pilot program for implementation in other historic districts in the future.
The attached sign program (Attachment 1) focuses mainly on the City's only designated Landmark District, Calistoga Avenue, and the National Register District, Napa Abajo-Fuller Park. The sign program also contains recommendations for signage colors and icons for each of the City's seven potential historic districts, which can be further refined when each district is formally designated as a City Landmark District. The following is a description of the key components of the program:
Bronze Medallions - Medallions would appear on signage and could also be used as resource identification. Options include a medallion that is consistent for all districts ("Heritage Napa") or unique to each district.
District Gateway Pole Sign - Contains a medallion, name of historic district, and district logo. Poles sign options include a larger rectangular...
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