To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Anne Cardwell, Finance Director
Prepared By: Jessie Gooch, Budget Officer
Fiscal Year 2021/22 Mid-Year Report
1. Receive the Mid-Year Report for Fiscal Year 2021/22; and
2. Adopt a resolution amending the City Staffing Plan by adding one Systems Analyst and deleting one Management Analyst I/II in the Finance Department; and approving revenue and expenditure budget adjustments to the FY 2021/22 adopted budget, as documented in Budget Adjustment BE2202503.
The City's Mid-Year Report for Fiscal Year 2021/22 (Attachment 2) provides an overview of the first half of the fiscal year (July through December 2021). The report includes a financial section which provides preliminary information on General Fund and proprietary fund revenue and expenditures through December 31, 2021. The report compares revenue sources and department expenditures to the budgeted amounts for each category, as well as to the prior year revenue and expenditure trends for the same period. An analysis of each of the three major revenues categories (property tax, sales tax, and transient occupancy tax) is provided. Information about national, state and local economic indicators and concerns is also provided.
At this time staff is projecting that General Fund revenue will be higher than budgeted, and budget adjustments are recommended to increase both revenue and expenditure budgets. There are also administrative adjustments recommended for other City funds, as well as a reclass of a vacant position in the Finance Department's Information Technology division. Public Works has requested an appropriation of $0.15 million from the Non-Recurring General Fund to develop updated neighborhood traffic management and traffic calming guidelines in parallel with efforts to develop the City's Local Roadway Safety Plan. The Utilities Department has requested a $1.0 million app...
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