To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council
From: Dr. Peter Pirnejad, Assistant City Manager - Development Services
Prepared By: Shari Cooper, Development Project Coordinator
Downtown Business Promotions Tax Area - 2019 Annual Report and Budget
Adopt a resolution approving the 2019 Annual Report and Budget for the Downtown Business Promotions Tax Area; authorizing the City Clerk to schedule a public hearing on June 19, 2018, to levy taxes in accordance with Napa Municipal Code Chapter 3.28; and determining that the actions authorized by this resolution are exempt from CEQA.
The Napa Downtown Association ("NDA") has submitted the annual budget, programs, and promotional events, and roster of officers for the period January 1- December 31, 2019, for the Downtown Business Promotions Tax Area ("DBPTA"), which is identified in the Napa Municipal Code Chapter 3.28 as the "Napa Parking & Business Improvement Area 1, Benefit Zone 2." The DBPTA boundaries include the downtown core generally between Jefferson Street, Soscol Avenue, Yount Street and Division Street (see boundary map on Exhibit "E" to Attachment 1).
In accordance with the contract obligations contained in City Agreement 9354, "Napa Downtown Association Agreement, Management of Assessment Districts", the NDA must prepare and file with the City an annual report which describes improvements and activities that will be performed by the NDA in the upcoming fiscal year using tax revenues generated by the DBPTA.
The City collects DBPTA taxes from merchants within the DBPTA boundaries and pays those tax revenues to the NDA, and the NDA manages expenditures of the tax revenues for improvements and activities identified in the annual report, all under the terms of Agreement 9354.
Merchants in the DBPTA pay a promotional tax equal to 40 percent of the business license tax when their business licenses are renewed. Therefore, tax...
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