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File #: 2043-2019    Version: 1
Type: Evening Administrative Report Status: Passed
File created: 9/11/2019 In control: CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NAPA
On agenda: 9/17/2019 Final action: 9/17/2019
Title: Public Safety and City Hall Facilities Project, Including Buildings for City Offices, Meeting Spaces, and Related Facilities for Public Safety, General Government Administration, Fire Station No. 1, and Public Parking
Attachments: 1. ATCH 1 - Summary Report & Analysis - City Facilities Project, 2. ATCH 2 - Comparison Analysis Chart, 3. ATCH 3 - FEMA Fact Sheet, 4. ATCH 4 - Project Schedule and Phases, 5. ATCH 5 - Amendment with Jones Lang LaSalle
To: Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council

From: Steve Potter, City Manager

Prepared By: Nancy Weiss, Executive Project Manager

Public Safety and City Hall Facilities Project, Including Buildings for City Offices, Meeting Spaces, and Related Facilities for Public Safety, General Government Administration, Fire Station No. 1, and Public Parking


1. Provide direction to the City Manager to: (a) prepare alternative project configurations for a proposed Public Safety and City Hall Facilities Project, focused on the Site Area "A" (described herein) based on the Site Comparison Analysis presented September 17, 2019 and (b) return to City Council at a future public meeting to evaluate the proposed alternative Project configurations.

2. Authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. C2018-331 with Jones Lang LaSalle for project management consulting services in the increased amount of $262,000 for a total Agreement amount of $1,011,500.

The attached "Public Safety & City Hall Facilities Project: Summary Report for Site Areas A & C Additional Site Analysis" (Attachment 1) will be presented by Staff for City Council discussion and consideration.

The Recommended Actions #1 and #2 in this item will result in additional expenditures of City funds to evaluate the proposed alternative project considerations. City Hall Consolidation Study Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project budget (JL FC15PW02) includes sufficient funds to accommodate the costs associated with this next project alternatives analysis phase.

To assist with the updated Alternatives Analysis Process, communications and outreach discussed above, Staff recommends Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. C2018-331 with Jones Lang LaSalle in the increased amount of $262,000.

The current Capital Project budget (JL FC15PW02) covers project management, legal and technical advisory servic...

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